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How does the recruitment work?

Send the application

Choose the area to which you want to apply and showcase your degree of motivation! Be aware that a CV and, if you apply for the Design area, the Portfolio is required. Prepare them!


Present yourself, showcase your motivation degree and show your skills!


We are a team and want to see how you work in a group when facing a challenge. Show your value!


You made it! Finally, you can join our team.


It is your passage to the professional world, an incredible opportunity for passionate university students to turn theory into exciting practice. Regardless of the course of study, what really counts is the enthusiasm to grow, the desire to learn, and the courage to innovate.

Join our team and together we will undertake the adventure!


Marketing and Communication area
Design area
Business area
Information Technology area
Human Resources area


What is a Junior Enterprise?

A Junior Enterprise is like a gym for university students who want to exercise the muscles of entrepreneurship. It is a non-profit organization that operates similarly to a consulting business, exclusively managed by university students, in our case only by students from unibz. They offer real services in their field of study – like business, marketing, design, IT – to real clients. It’s a way to practice what is learned in class and gain experience before entering the world of work. Moreover, our JE is part of a national and international network of other Junior Enterprises, offering students the opportunity to broaden their perspectives and connect on a national and international level.

What is our objective as a Junior Enterprise?

We practice the art of investing in you – in your development, in your professional growth, and your competencies. With us, every project becomes a currency for the future: in-depth knowledge, meaningful connections with companies, and experiences that will distinguish you in the world of work. Join us and enrich your professional baggage!

How much time will I need to dedicate to JEAA?

Imagine a flexible commitment that moves in harmony with your university life, not in contrast to it. In JEAA, we are all students and we are the first to understand the commitment that study requires. It is about individual dedication and intelligent organization. With us, you’ll find the space to grow both in studies and in our activities. So bring your passion, manage your time, and let’s create success together!

What skills are required to apply?

No specific prerequisites, the door is open to anyone who is enthusiastic and has a sincere passion for getting involved. What counts is your desire to grow, your willingness to collaborate, and your openness to new challenges. We are looking for proactive people, capable of critical thinking, and with a team spirit.

Is there any compensation for joining JEAA?

JEAA, like other Junior Enterprises, is a non-profit student association where earnings are reinvested in training programs and projects to promote the growth of the association, and therefore does not provide for any remuneration.

How are the earnings generated by JEAA reinvested?

The earnings generated by the Junior Enterprise can be reinvested entirely in activities relevant to the Junior context. This includes purchasing tools to enhance the quality of services provided, accessing training conducted by professionals or external companies, participating in national, local, or network events organized by Junior Enterprises. Funds can also be used to organize internal events, networking events, or public events by JEAA, such as workshops, conferences, or seminars. Additionally, funds can support team-building activities and other initiatives. It is the responsibility of the various areas and resources within the Junior Enterprise to identify the best use of these resources, in the interest of the Junior Enterprise itself and its members.

Can I apply if I’m planning to go on Erasmus?

Certainly, international mobility is absolutely not an obstacle to becoming/being an associate!

Can my experience in the Junior Enterprise be considered as an internship by the university?

Not at the moment, but it is one of the main objectives of JEAA. Many Junior Enterprises give associates the possibility to consider the work carried out within them as an internship towards their course of study, and JEAA is also interested in offering this possibility. We are doing our best to be able to reach this type of agreement with the university!

What is the official language?

English. Given the trilingual nature of the students of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, we have chosen English for all our official documents as the official language of JEAA. Therefore, the selection process will also be conducted in English.

Feel free to contact our team for further information and clarification on the JEAA and the recruitment process.


hr manager



Be part of JEAA